Saturday 4 January 2014

Christmas on the Beach

We were all a bit nervous about Christmas. Away from family, dark evenings, freezing weather and Christmas telly but it was also a mile stone that we were very glad and proud to reach. Christmas is celebrated on Christmas eve here and we were invited to lots of peoples houses in the village for Christmas dinner. Starting with Mota, our next door neighbour we worked our way up to the main street dropping in and eating with different people on the way. It was a lovely way to celebrate and share with people and as usual everyone was lovely and the food was plentiful and excellent!

The next day we sat round the decorated branch that was our Christmas tree, ate chocolate and opened presents from each other and ones that our lovely families had sent over. Then the Bombita volunteers came over and after a second round of presents we jumped in the back of the truck and headed to the beach! Christmas dinner on the beach consisted of Dominican spaghetti, avocado salad, potato salad, Mangoo (mashed Yukka) followed by fudge, tiffin, cake, and coconut cake. No turnkey to be seen, a brilliant meal! We spent the rest of the day in our swimming costumes (and Christmas socks…) chatting and relaxing on the beach, a first for all of us.

We didn't want to recreate a Christmas that we would have at home because what ever we did it wouldn't be the same. Doing a Dominican style pub crawl, eating spaghetti on the beach and swimming in the stream coming down from the mountains was an excellent way to spend our Caribbean Christmas. 


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